
Showing posts from April, 2022

Grade-3 Math, Ch-1: Numbers, Workbook Ex.


Grade : 3 Subject : Computer Summer Vacation Home Work.

    Grade :3                                                                                                          Subject : Computer               Work sheet Ch-1 Hardware and Software Q-1 Select the correct option. Q-1 ………… Input device . (a) CPU (b) Keyboard (c) pen drive (d) Speaker Q-2 Printer is   the ………… device. (a) Input (b) Output (c) Storage (d) Processing Q-3 W...

Gr-3 Subject-Hindi Summer vacation Home-Assignment

  Summer vacation   Home-Work Grade -3           Subject - Hindi Chapter-2   मिट्ठू             प्रश्न - १ शब्द - संसार लिखिए |                                   प्रश्न -२ प्रश्नों के उत्तर लिखें | क) गोपाल क्या सुनकर दुखी हो गया ? उत्तर-     ( ख ) गोपाल मिट्ठू को घर क्यों लाना चाहता था ? उत्तर-         प्रश्न - ३ शब्द से नए वाक्य बनाइए | क ) सर्कस - कंपनी - ख ) बंदर - ग ) खजाना - घ ) उदास-   प्रश्न ४- सही या गलत का निशान लगाइए |     (क)   चीते ने   पंजे से मिट्ठू को घायल कर दिया |     (     )     (ख)    मालिक ने मिट्ठू को अठन्नी में बेच दिया |   ...

Grade-3 ; Subject- English; Ch- Noun (Textbook Exercise)



  EVS SUMMER VACATION HOMEWORK Subject: EVS      Grade : III       Chapter:   Ch-1 Food and Health Ch-19 Travel and Transport     I. Choose the correct option. 1. We eat the stems of ____________. A. cauliflower and potato   B. beetroot and carrot   C. cauliflower and broccoli D. potato and ginger 2. Which of the following utensils is used in baking? A. Oven   B. Grill C. Wok   D. Boiler 3. Which of the following is a rich source of proteins? A. Wheat   B. Ghee   C. Eggs D. Potatoes 4. ______________   helps us to fight diseases and keep us healthy. A. Carbohydrates   B. Proteins   C. Vitamins and minerals D. Fats 2. Fill in the blanks. 1. Public transport in villages includes______________ and passenger trains. ( buses / cars) 2. The multiple transport alternatives provided in cities can lead to ____________ and congestion. (t...

Gr.3 Akshar Deepika Hindi Pustakmala Chapter-2 Mitthu (note-book work)


Grade-3 Math, Summer Vacation Homework


Grade-3 Math, Ch-1: Numbers, Ex-1.1


Grade-3; Subject- English ; Topic- Summer Vacation Homework

  Q . 1. Write the following nouns in the correct column. (teacher, pencil, eraser, school, library, doctor, desk, park, girl)                         Person                          Place                          Things                   2 . Underline the common nouns. a. A group of ministers were jealous of him. b. The barber was promised a huge sum of money. c. The next time when he was with the emperor. The barber began talking about the emperor’s fat...

Term-1 Akshar Deepika Hindi Pustakmala (T.B.) chapter-2 Mitthu


Grade-3 Math, Ch-1:Numbers, Ex-1.6 to Revision Ex.


Grade : 3 Sub : Math Ch-1 Numbers Ex.-1.1 to Ex.-1.5 [ T.B and N.B Work ]


Grade : 3 Sub : Computer CH-1 Hardware and Software [ N.B Work ]
