English Practice sheet

Q-I choose the correct option and fill in the blank.

1. Socrates wanted to take the _____________ filter test of the news.
(a) Single
(b) Double
(c) Triple

2. Socrates was a Greek _________________.
(a) philosopher
(b) doctor
(c) king

3. Robin Hood was ______________________.
(a) a peasant
(b) an outlaw
(c) a sheriff

4. The balloon man always comes on _______________.
(a) market days
(b) weekdays
(c) holidays

5. Prince John organized ______________ contest.
(a) a shooting
(b) a running
(c) an archery

6. The balloons are tied together with a _____________.
(a) rope
(b) wire
(c) string

7. The first man touched the ____________ of the Elephant.
(a) tail
(b) trunk
(c) side

8. The six men from Indostan were _____________.
(a) blind
(b) limp
(c) deaf

9. There were ______ blind men in the poem.
(a) Ten
(b) six
(c) one

10.The ________  of the elephant was squirming.
(a) Fifth
(b) Fourth
(c) Third

11. As per sixth Blind Men elephant looks like a________
(a) Wall
(b) Fan
(c) Rope

12. As per Second Blind Men elephant looks like a ________
(a) Wall
(b) Spear
(c) Rope

13. Robin Hood was an outlaw who lived in the __________
(a) Jungle
(b) Forest
(c) Near Ground

14. Prince John of ____________
(a) England
(b) America
(c) Africa

15. Robin shot his ____________ arrow. It missed the bull’s eye. 
(a) First
(b) Third
(c) Second

16. The balloon man never think about his ___________________
(a) lunch
(b) dinner
(c) breakfast


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