
                      LIVING THINGS


Q-1] Choose the correct option. 
A]Fish breathe through: 
i]Tiny holes on the body 
Ans-A] Gills
B]The process in which living things produce young ones of their own kind is called______________. 
ii] Response
iv] Breathing 
Ans-B] Reproduction 

Q-2] Give two examples for each of the following: 
A] Animals that do not have legs. 
Ans-A] Snakes and Earthworms
B] Animals that use their wings to fly and legs to walk. 

C]Animals that breathe through tiny holes on their body. 
Q-3]State whether the following statements are true or false.
A] Insects have feelers to feel the environment. True 

B] Seeds grow into new plants. True 
Q-4] Answer in one sentence: 

Q-A] What are stomata?
Ans-A]Leaves of plants breathe through tiny pores present on the underside of the leaves called stomata. 

Q-B]How do animals obtain their food? 
Ans-B]Animals obtain their food from plants and other animals. 
Q-5]Answer the following questions in 2-3 sentences. 

Q-A] State any three characteristics of living things.
 I] Living things grow.
Ii]Living things move on their own. 
iii]Living things need food and water  .

 Q-B] How do plants respond to touch? Explain with the help of an example.
Ans-B] Plants such as the ‘touch–me–not’ can feel. They close their leaves when you touch them. 

Q-C]Why do animals move from one place to the other? 
i]Animals move from one place to another in search of food and shelter. 
ii]They also move to protect themselves from their enemies 
Q-6] Observe the picture and answer the questions that follow: 

Q-A] Identify the above animal. 
Q-B] How does this animal reproduce?
 Ans-B] By giving birth to young ones. 
Q-7] Read the paragraph and answers the questions that follow: 
Plants do not move from one place to another, but some parts of plant show movement. The roots of a plant grow and move into the soil in search of water. The stems of plant move towards the light. A sunflower turns in the direction of the sun.

Q-A] In which direction do the roots of a plant grow? Why?
Ans-A] The roots of a plant grow and move into the soil in search of water 

Q-B] Which part of the plant moves towards the light?
Ans-B]The stems of plant move towards the light. 

Q-8] Join the dots from 1 to 44 to obtain the picture of an animal, colour it and complete the given statement.

Ans-8] The animal reproduces by giving birth to young ones. 

Q-9]A car moves from one place to another. It needs fuel to move. Can we say that it is a living thing? Justify your answer. 
A car does not move on its own. 
It needs fuel to run and machines to move.
 Hence it cannot be called a living thing.



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