Gr.3:EVS Worksheet :CH-2 Soil 🐸 Write the answers of the following questions in Practice Notebook. 1)Define soil. 2)Why life is not possible without soil? 3)How soil is formed? 4)State the things that make soil? 5)Name the layers of soil. 6)Why Clayey soil heavy? 7)Why Clayey soil have high water holding capacity? 8)How is the texture of sany soil? 9)Write the composition of loamy soil. 10)What is soil erosion? 11)Be the genius observer and describe in brief the changes in soil outside your house due to heavy rain in terms of soil erosion . 12)How over grazing results in soil erosion? 13)Gita had three types of soil ,she gave one type of soil to Sita for medical use.Can you find out the three types of soil and the soil given by Gita to Sita. 14)Rahul was enjoying the rain from his balcony but all of a sudden he became sad by seeing soil erosion .Can you suggest some of the ways to conserve the soil make Rahul happy again? ...