Gr.3:EVS Worksheet for Practice (CH-4 Living Things)

Gr.3:EVS Worksheet :CH-4 Living Things

๐ŸธWrite the answers of the following questions in Practice Notebook.

1)Is that all living things grow?If yes support your answer with example.

2)Nose is the organ that helps in breathing and if plants don't have nose than how do they breathe. ?

3)Aurora was minutely observing the small  holes in her water bottle and 
she was reminded about the breathing of insects .Can you guess why it was so?

4)Is that fishes walk ? Support your answer by identifying the organs that helps them in their movement. 

5)Grade 3 student were very hungry so they all together decided to eat samosa.
While eating all of them were reminded of one of the very sensitive Plant.
Can you identify the same?

6)Why living things need food and water?

7)What is reproduction?

8)How birds reproduce?

9) Explain how  do we get new plants.

10)How animals and human beings sense their surroundings?

11) Touch-me-not is very sensitive.Give reason.

12)State the six  characteristics of living things.


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