Subject- English; Grade- 3; Revision of Conjunction (Grammar)

                                                 Conjunction Revision

Use appropriate conjunctions to join the sentences.


1. My pet goat will eat almost anything. He likes vegetables the most. (but)

à My pet goat will eat almost anything but he likes vegetables the most.


2. My family lives in the country. We have a lot of land. (and)

à My family lives in the country and we have lot of land.


3. We could go to the playground. We could go to the movies. (or)

à We could go to the playground or movies.


4. Amit went to the beach. Amit learned to surf. (and)

à Amit went to the beach and learned to surf.


5. Radha wanted to drive to the store. Her car wouldn’t start. (but)

à Radha wanted to drive to the store but her car wouldn’t start.



6. Do you want pancakes for breakfast? Would you rather have eggs? (or)

à Do you want pancakes for breakfast or eggs?


7. I need to bring a calculator to school. I need to bring a ruler to school. (and)

à I need to bring a calculator and a ruler to the school.


8. Some kids were afraid to dive into the pool. I wasn’t afraid. (but)

à Some kids were afraid to dive into the pool but I was not.


Fill in the blanks with appropriate conjunctions.


1.    He must be punished because he is guilty.

2.    I was ill so I didn't go to work.

3.    I am very tired because I have been working all day.

4.   The bus stopped and the man got off.

5.    I wanted to buy a newspaper but didn't have enough money.

6.    I have a lot of homework to do now so I can't go to the cinema with you.

7.    Do you want tea or coffee?

8.    Is it a new house or an old house?

9.    I will study my spelling words so I can get a good score on the test.




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