Poem- Someone Poet - Walter de la Mare Character- A boy, beetle, cricket, owl New Words: 1. Wee 2. Knocking 3. Sure 4. Nought 5. Stirring 6. Beetle 7. Tapping 8. Screech –owl 9. Cricket 1 Dewdrops Word Meaning- Knocking: striking noisily, especially on a door, to attract attention Wee: little, small Sure: confident that you are right Nought: nothing Stirring: moving Beetle: an insect with a hard wing cover on its back Tapping: a sound made by striking against something with quick light blows Screech-owl: an owl that makes a trilling (singing) or whinnying (like a horse) sound cricket: an insect; the male makes a musical chirping sound dewdrops: tiny drops of water that form on cool surfaces at night 1. Fill in the blanks wi...