Grade:3 Subject:Computer Ch-3 Using OpenOffice Writer (Notes and MCQ)


Ch-3 Using OpenOffice Writer

·      OpenOffice Writer is a word processing application.

Editing a document - It refers to adding or deleting text, replacing it or copying and pasting it.

Deleting text- Delete and Backspace keys to delete one character at a time.

Cut, Copy and Paste

The Copy option makes a copy of the selected text without deleting the selected text.

The Cut option also makes a copy of the selected text but removes the selected text.

The Paste option inserts the cut or copied text at the cursor position.

Bold, Italic and Underline

The Bold option makes the text thicker as compared to the rest of the text.

The Italics option is used to slant the text to the right side.

The Underline option is used to place a line under the text.

Fontwork Gallery- Fontwork Gallery provides a collection of decorative text in different colours and shapes.

Special Characters- OpenOffice Writer provides an option of inserting mathematical and science symbols in your document such as £, Ø, ® and many more that cannot be typed directly using the keyboard.

Q-1 Select the correct option

1) Which of the following is an example of a word processing application?

 (a) Pivot Animator

 (b) Tux Paint

(c) MS Paint

(d) OpenOffice Writer


2) You can use the _________________________ menu to create a new document in Writer.

(a) File

(b) View

(c) Edit

(d) Insert


3) Which shortcut keys will you use to save a Writer document?

(a) Ctrl Key + S

(b) Ctrl Key + O

(c) Ctrl Key + V

(d) Ctrl Key + X


4) You press the Delete key to delete text to the _________________________ of the cursor.

(a) Downwards

(b) left

(c) right

(d) upwards

5) Which of the following options will you use to move the selected text from one place to another in a document?

(a) Copy and Paste

(b) Cut and Delete

(c) Cut and Copy

(d) Cut and Paste

Q-2 Write steps to insert special character into OpenOffice Writer.

Q-3 Write short note on Copy, Cut and Paste.




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