Gr 3rd Sub: EVS Ch 13 Maps and Globe NB Ex

                                          Ch:13 Maps and Globes NB Ex

New words

1 globe

2 maps

3 feature

4 sketch

5 directions

6 scale

7 signs and symbols

8 grid

9 title

10 latitudes

11 longitudes

12 physical map

13 thematic map

14 political map

15 cardinal directions

Answer the following questions. 

a. What is a sketch? 

Ans. Sometimes, we draw rough drawings from our memory to explain the route to a particular place. Such a rough drawing is called a sketch.

b. What is a grid? 

Ans The horizontal lines and vertical lines which run across globe surface is called a grid.

c. Name the four intermediate directions.

Ans:  The four intermediate directions are Northeast, Northwest, Southeast, Southwest.

 d. Write two advantages of a map.

Ans:  a) They help you travel from one location to another. 

b) They help you organize information. 

c) They help you figure out where you are and how to get where you want to go.

e) Write the difference between map and globe.



i) A map is a two dimensional drawing of the Earth.

i) A globe is a three dimensional model of the Earth.

ii) A map is easy to carry.

iii) A map can show many things such as roads, railways, bridges etc.

ii) A globe is difficult to carry everywhere.

iii) A globe does not show minute details such as roads, railways, bridges etc.

f) Name the cardinal directions.

Ans: East, West, North and South are the cardinal directions.

g) What does the physical map shows?

Ans: Physical map shows the natural features of place such as forests, mountains, rivers, oceans etc of India.

h) What does the political map shows?

Ans: Political map shows countries and their international and State borders. It also locate the capital of each state.

i) What does Thematic map shows?

Ans: Thematic map shows specific information on a theme. For eg - types of soil in India, types of crops grown in India etc


What kind of problems do you think sailors and explorers faced before the invention of maps and globes?

Ans: Sailors had to accept cramped conditions, disease, poor food and pay, and bad weather.


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