English Symphonics : 'ti','si','ci'
'ti', 'si', 'ci'
Q.I Exercise 1
a. action b. creation c. location d. omission e. subtraction f. imitation g. prevention h. permission i. impression j. submission
Q.II Exercise 2
a. magician b. electrician c. Egyptian d. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division e. ambition, musician and beautician
Q.III Exercise 3
a. Martians b. investigation c. portions d. mansion e. special f. impression
Q.IV Exercise 5
(Student Specific)
Q.V Exercise 6
a. Information
b. (Student Specific)
c. Write the base word for the following ‘ti’/ ‘si’ / ‘ci’ words. One is done for you.
permission- permit
information- inform
selection- select
location- locate
description- describe
beneficial – benefit
exploration- explore
4. Use a crayon to colour the words in the passage with the following meaning. The colour of the crayon is given in brackets.
a. ancient b. population c. exploration d. beneficial e. crucial
Wonder Words - Students Specific
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