Sub - English Poem - 11 Someone (N.B Work)
Poem 11 Someone
New Words
3. whistling
4. while
Word Meanings
1. knocking – tapping on a door
2. wee –very small
3.nought – nothing
4. stirring – movement
5. beetle – an insect with a hard outer covering
6.tapping – repeated striking of a surface
7.screech-owl – an owl that makes trilling (singing) or whinnying (like
a horse) sounds - an insect; it makes a loud chirping sound
9. dewdrops –tiny drops of water that form on a cool surface
Dictionary Activity
1. busy – occupied with an activity
2) call – a bird or animal’s cry
3) still – not moving
4) whistle – a clear, high pitched sound made forcing breath between the lips or teeth.
Make Sentences ( HW)
1. small -
2. door -
3. know -
4. someone -
Q1 Read the extract and answer
the questions that follow.
a) “ I listened………and right
1) Who is saying these lines?
Ans.)The speaker of these lines is the narrator of the poem.
2) What did he open and why?
Ans.) He opened the door because he heard a knock and wanted to see who was there.
3) What do the words ‘left and right’ mean?
Ans.)The words “left and right” mean the speaker looked in both directions to check if anyone was there but no one was found.
4) What did he see when he looked left and right?
Ans.)When he looked left and right, he saw no one. The place was empty and quiet.
b) “ Only the cricket…......... dewdrops fall”
1) What time of the day do you think it was? Give a reason for your answer.
Ans.) It was night because the place was quiet, the dewdrops were falling and the cricket was whistling which usually happens at night.
2) Besides the cricket, what else did the poet hear?
Ans.) Beside the cricket, poet heard the sound of the beetle and the owl.
3)Here the word cricket means an insect. What is the other meaning of cricket?
Ans.) The other meaning of cricket is a sport played with a bat and ball, typically between two teams.
4)Dewdrops are formed on leaves of plants on cold ___________
Ans.) nights.
Q2 Answer the following questions.
1) Why do you think the poet repeats the word ‘sure’ ?
Ans.) The poet repeats the word “sure” to emphasize how confident he was that someone had knocked on his door.
2) Write two
words from the poem that describes the following.
Ans.) The door - wee, small
The night -
still, dark
3) What are the different things the poet did to find out who had knocked on his door?
Ans.)The poet listened for sounds, opened the door and looked to the left and right to check if anyone was there.
4)What do you think the poet was doing when someone knocked on his door?
Ans.)The poet was likely resting in his house since it was a still, dark night.
5) Why does the poet use the expression ‘at all’ thrice in the last line of the poem?
Ans.)The poet repeats “at all” to stress his confusion and frustration about not knowing who knocked despite checking carefully.
Q3 HOTs.
Q1: Why do you think the poet
describes the knocking sound as mysterious and leaves it unanswered?
A1- The poet creates a sense of mystery to engage the reader's
imagination. By not revealing who made the sound, the poet allows readers to
think creatively and form their own interpretations.
Q2: If you were in the poet's place, how would you react to the
mysterious knocking? (HW)
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