Grade-3 ; Sub-English ; Ch- A Home for Ducklings (N.B.)

Home For Duckling                                                                                                               Date: 10/8/2020

New Words:







kind hearted



 Word Meaning:

1.Cosy- Comfortable

2.Vendor- A person selling something especially on street

3. explore- go to place to learn about it.

4. Waddled- walked with short steps, moving the body from one side to other.

5. amazed- surprised

Q1. Fill in the blanks

1.        The duck couple could not build the nest near the forest because of  fox.

2.     The people sitting in a boat threw puffed rice and peanuts into the water.

3.     Mrs. Duck laid five eggs.

4.     Vinay, the kind hearted vendor would feed the duck popcorn.

5.     Mrs. Duck and her ducklings waddled across the street in a queue

Qu. 2 Answer the following questions.

1.      What were Mr. and Mrs. Duck were looking for?

Ans: Mr. and Mrs. Duck were looking for the place to build their nest.

2.     Where did the ducks build their nest?

Ans:  The ducks build their nest in a cosy spot among the bushes near the Yamuna river.

3.     Why did Mr. Duck wants to go across the street?

Ans: Mr. Duck wanted to go across the street to explore the area.

d) How did the popcorn vendor help the duck family cross the street?

Ans: He ran to the side of the street and shouted and gestured to the vehicles to stop.

e) What were the names of the ducklings?

Ans: The names of the ducklings were Flapper, Paddles, Ruffles, Splish and Splash.

f) Why was Mr Duck’s wife not pleased with the place?   

Ans: Mr Duck’s wife was not pleased with the place because there were turtles.

g) Where did Mr and Mrs Duck fly to rest for the day?

Ans: Mr and Mrs Duck flew to a lake besides a garden.

h) What did the people sitting in the boat throw into the water?

Ans: The people sitting in the boat threw puffed rice and peanuts into the water.

i) Where did the ducks go after eating their breakfast?

Ans: The ducks went to explore the garden after eating their breakfast.










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