Grade-3, Ch-Venice The Floating City ( N. B. Exercise), Sub-Eng

                  Ch- Venice – The floating city.

New words:

1. Charming

2. Located

3. Popularly

4. Floating

5. Comprises

6. Island

7. Numerous

8. Canals

9.  Bridges

10.                  Situated

11.                  Romans

12.                  Venetians

13.                  Escaped

14.                  Marshes

15.                  Permanent

16.                  Stakes

17.                  Swampy

18.                  Platform

19.                  Underwater

20.                  Rot

21.                  Piles

22.                  Grand canal

23.                  Rarely

24.                  Waterways

25.                  Arteries

26.                  Watercrafts

27.                  Gondola

28.                  Steer

29.                  Lavishly

30.                  Expensive

31.                  Vaporettos


Word meaning:

1. Charming- Very pleasant/ attractive

2. Popularly- Commonly

3. Comprises- consists of, is made up of

4. Islands- a piece of land surrounded by water

5. Platforms- raised level surfaces on which people or things can stand

6. Canals- man- made waterways built for the movement of water vehicles

7. Escaped- having got free

8. Marshes- low lying land full of water

9. Stakes- strong wooden posts with a point at one end , driven into the ground to support something

10.      Swampy- low-lying land where water collects.

11.      Underwater- situated beneath the surface of the water

12.      Rot- decay

13.      Piles-heaps or loads

14.      Rarely- not often

15.      Arteries- (here)important routes in a system of roads , rivers or railway lines

16.      Watercraft- a boat or other vessel that travels on water

17.      Steer- guide or control the movement of a vehicle or vessel

18.      Lavishly- richly.


Answer the following questions.

a) Why is Venice known as the ‘Floating City’?

Ans: Venice is popularly known as the ‘Floating City’ because it is made up of

118 small islands connected by numerous canals and bridges.


b) Why did the Venetians decide to build permanent houses?

Ans: The Venetians decided to build permanent houses because there were so

many people living in the marshes.


c) What is the best way to get around Venice?

Ans: The best way to get around Venice is by foot or water-transport.


d) How many people can a gondola carry at a time?

Ans: A gondola can carry six people at a time.


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