Grade-3 ; Sub- English ; Poem-4 Kitten At Play (N.B.) Work


Poem- 4 Kitten At Play

Poet- William Wordsworth

Dictionary Activity-

Find out the word meaning of – (H.W.)

1.     Magician

2.     Paws

3.     Sport

4.     Silent

5.     Leap


Make sentences using the following word.

1.     Calm- I always keeps calm during hard situation.

2.     Frosty- My friend like to exercise in frosty weather.

3.     Sport – My friend is a sport person.

4.     Prey- Tiger plays with its prey before hunting it down.

5.     Gazing – Audience were gazing at the artist during the play.



Word Galaxy- 











Feats of art




Word Meaning

Sporting: playing

Withered: dried

Elder-tree: a tree that grows to 15 meters; has a short trunk, few branches and small, purple–black, sour berries.

Frosty: very cold

Crouches: bends close to the ground

Stretches: extends one’s arms or body parts

Paws: (here) feels or scrapes with a paw or hoof

Darts: moves somewhere suddenly and quickly

Prey: an animal hunted for food

Conjurer: magician

Feats of art: (here) skills

Gracefully: with style

Gazing: staring


State True or False:

a. The kitten catches her prey with a lion-leap. False

 b. The kitten is as quick as an Indian conjurer. True

c. The kitten plays her part gracefully. True

d. The little Tabby is scared of the people around her. False


Answer the following questions.

a)    What is the Indian Conjurer’s feat of art?

Ans: Magic is the Indian Conjurer’s feats of art.

b)    Why is the kitten compared to an Indian conjurer?

Ans: The kitten is compared with an Indian conjurer because she can play with three and four leaves together.

c)     Whom does the little Tabby not care about?

Ans: The little Tabby does not care about the thousand people gazing at her.

d)    What is the kitten doing on the wall?

Ans: The kitten is playing with the falling leaves on the wall.

e)    What are the words used to describe the morning?

Ans: Bright and fair but calm and cold .

f)      What does ’elder tree refer to?

Ans:  Big, old tree.

g)  What is the kitten’s prey? Why does the kitten let her prey go?

Ans: The leaves are the kitten’s prey. It lets her prey go because she knows that she can catch it again

h)  h ) Which other animal is a kitten compared to?

Ans:  A tiger.

i ) What does the kitten do to catch her prey?

Ans: The kitten crouches, stretches and paw the ground and darts with a tiger-leap halfway to catch her prey.


2. Answer the following questions.

a) Where is the kitten?

Ans: The kitten is on the wall.

b) Describe the kitten’s actions.

Ans: The kitten crouches, stretches, paws, and darts.

c) What does the kitten play with?

Ans: The kitten plays with the falling leaves of the elder tree.

d) When does the kitten play?

Ans: The kitten plays in the cold, bright morning.

e) What or who is the kitten compared to in the last stanza?

Ans: In the last stanza, the kitten is compared to an Indian conjurer or magician.


Thinking Skills:  (H.W.)

Do you have a pet? If yes, write about the activities that you like and dislike. If you do not have a pet, what do you feel about having one in your house?



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