Gr.3 E.V.S. Ch:20 Modes of Communication (N.B. work)


Ch:20 Modes of Communication


New words


1 digital communication

2 postal services

3 telephones

4 television

5 internet

6 communication

7 sign language

8 messengers

9 pigeon

10 newspaper

11 speed post

12 stamp

13 letter

14 radio

15 mudras

Word Galaxy

Answer the following questions

a. What is an email?

Ans. It is an electronic mail where we can send and receive letters without using paper to write them on.


b. What do you understand by the term 'communication'?

Ans. The exchange of information between people, through speaking, writing or use of signs and symbols is known as communication.


c. How does sign language help people who cannot hear?

Ans. Sign language helps them to convey their feelings and understand what others are saying.


d. What are the different uses of the internet?

Ans. 1) The Internet gives a lot of information about political news and sports.

          2) The Internet has made our life easy.

        3) World wide web (www) is the most important part of the internet.


e. Write the full form of the following abbreviations.

a. E-mail b. ISD c. STD

Ans. a)E-mail - electronic mail

        b) ISD- International Subscriber Dialling

        c)  STD- Subscriber Trunk Dialling.


f. State two activities we can use the internet for.

Ans.1)Buy things

       2) Book tickets and transfer money.


g. Mention two early means of communication.

Ans.  1) pigeons

         2) letter box


h. Why is it important to a write the pin code on a letter?

Ans. A pin code makes it easier for the letter to reach the correct address.


i. How does a letter reach to its destination?

Ans. 1)The postman collects letters from the post box and takes them to

          the post office.

        2) The letters are sorted.

        3) The postman then delivers the letters according to the address written on the      envelope.



j. Differentiate between early means of communication and modern

means of communication.


Early means of communication

Modern means of communication.


1. The means of communication which were used in ancient time, called early means of communication.

1. The means of communication which were used in recent times, called modern means of communication.

2. Birds such as pigeons were used to send messages.

2. Telephones, radios, and newspapers are used today for communication.





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