Poem- Someone (N.B.) Exercise; Grade-3 ; Sub- English (Term 2)



Poem- Someone

Poet - Walter de la Mare

Character- A boy, beetle, cricket, owl


New Words:

1.             Wee

2.             Knocking

3.             Sure

4.             Nought

5.             Stirring

6.             Beetle

7.             Tapping

8.           Screech –owl

9.            Cricket

10.       Dewdrops

Word Meaning-

Knocking: striking noisily, especially on a door, to attract attention

Wee: little, smal

Sure: confident that you are right

Nought: nothing

Stirring: moving

Beetle: an insect with a hard wing cover on its back

Tapping: a sound made by striking against something with quick light blows

Screech-owl: an owl that makes a trilling (singing) or whinnying (like a horse) sound

cricket: an insect; the male makes a musical chirping sound

dewdrops: tiny drops of water that form on cool surfaces at night

2. Answer the following questions.

a) Who was knocking at the speaker’s door?

Ans: Someone was knocking at the speaker’s small door.

b) What did the speaker do after he opened the door?

Ans: The speaker looked left and right after he opened the door.

c) What sounds did the speaker hear after opening the door?

Ans: After opening the door, the speaker heard a beetle tap-tapping in the wall, a cricket whistling and an owl screeching.

d) From where did the sound of the screech-owl come?

Ans: The owl screeched from the forest.                                                                               

e) What was falling when the cricket was whistling?

Ans: The cricket was whistling while the dewdrops were falling.




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