English : Poem10 Someone


Poem 10. Someone

Textbook Work

1. Fill in the blanks with the correct word.

a) The door of the speaker’s house was small .

b) The busy beetle  was tap-tapping on the wall.

c) Someone was knocking at the speaker’s door at night.

d) The speaker first listened and then opened the door.

Ans.  a) – iv         b) – I          c) – v         d) – iii           e) – ii

4. Write the adjectives that the poet used to describe the following nouns. Then write their comparative and superlative forms.

a) door:        small                 smaller           smallest

b) night:       dark                  darker             darkest

c) beetle:     busy                   busier              busiest

5. Compound words dew + drops = dew drops Dew drops is a compound word . Find a word that will form a compound word with the following words.

a) door +  bell = door bell

b) wall + paper = wall paper


Notebook Work

Dictionary Activity

1) busy: full of activity

2) call: make its characteristic cry

3) still: deep, quiet

4) whistling: high – pitched sound by forcing breath through a small hole between one’s lips or teeth  

Wonder Words

1) knocking: striking noisily, especially on a door, to attract attention

2) wee: little, small

3) sure: confident that you are right

4) nought: nothing

5) stirring: moving

6) beetle: an insect with a hard wing cover on its back

7) tapping: a sound made by striking against something with quick light blows

8) screech-owl: an owl that makes a trilling (singing) or whinnying (like a horse) sound

9) cricket: an insect; the male makes a musical chirping sound

10) dewdrops: tiny drops of water that form on cool surfaces at night

Answer the following questions

a) Who was knocking at the speaker’s door?

Ans. Someone was knocking at the speaker’s small door.

 b) What did the speaker do after he opened the door?

Ans.  The speaker looked left and right after he opened the door.

c) What sounds did the speaker hear after opening the door?

Ans. After opening the door, the speaker heard a beetle tap-tapping in the wall, a cricket whistling and an owl screeching.

 d) From where did the sound of the screech-owl come?

Ans. The owl screeched from the forest.

e) What was falling when the cricket was whistling?

Ans. The cricket was whistling while the dewdrops were falling.

Workbook Work

1. Match the columns.

                                           A                                                                              B

a) The cricket                                                                i.is tap-tapping in thewall.                                       b) The owl                                                                    ii. At the wee little door.                                           c) The beetle                                                                 iii. is screeching in the forest.                                  d) Someone came knocking                                         iv. is whistling.                                                Answers: a) (iv)                    b) (iii)              c) (i)                d) (ii)

2. Answer the following questions in one sentence.

 a) What did the speaker do after opening the door? (2 lines)

The speaker looked left to right after opening the door.

b) Which creatures did the speaker hear? (2 lines)

The speaker heard the beetle, owl and the cricket.

3. Find the rhyming words for the given words in the poem. Add two more rhyming words of your own. (student specific) word from the poem rhyming word my own rhyming words

a) All                fall                   Student specific

b) Right           night               Student Specific

c) call               wall                 Student Specific

d) Stirring      knocking          Student Specific

4. Who did the speaker think knocked at the door? Number them in sequence.

The Cricket                      4

The Beetle                        2

Someone                           1

Dewdrops                         5

The Owl                            3




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