Gr 3rd Sub: EVS Revision for Yearly Exam (Name the following)


Revision for Yearly Exam

Name the following:

1 1) It is the upmost fertile layer of the soil – Topsoil

2 2) Removal of top layer of soil by natural forces is called – Soil Erosion

3I3) It contains small rocks and minerals- Sandy soil

4 4)It is breaking down of rocks into smaller pieces – Weathering

5I5) It is used for making earthen pots and toys and also has medical properties – Clayey soil

6I6) It contains small particles such as sand and silt – Subsoil

7 7) Type of soil holds very little water- Sandy Soil

8I8) It is the top layer of the earth’s crust – Soil

9  5)Planting of many trees in an area is called – afforestation

1 9)              Material or substance found in nature that can be used by humans – natural resources

1 10)              Stopping the loss of soil caused by soil erosion is called – soil conservation

11)             It is unbroken solid rocks of the soil at the bottom layer is called –bedrock

1 12)              It is the smallest unit of our body – cell

1 13)              It helps us to digest food – Stomach

114)              It pumps blood to all organs of the body. Heart

116)              It controls all thoughts and actions of the body. Brain

117)              Many cells of similar type come together and form – tissues

118)              It circulates blood throughout the body through the blood vessels – circulatory system

119)              It helps the body to breathe in air containing oxygen and breathe out air containing carbon dioxide- Respiratory System

220)              It removes waste products from the blood in the form of urine – kidney

221)              It receives and sends messages between the brain and other parts of the body – nervous system

222)              It helps us to move the different parts of our body – muscular system

223)              It means following simple everyday practices that keep us healthy and prevent illness – Hygiene

224)              They are very small living organism that cause disease – germs

225)   Diet having all required nutrients in proper amounts – balanced diet.

2 26)              A hard, bony covering that protects the brain – Skull

227)              A group of tissues in our body that performs a specific function – organ system

228)              It is the smallest organ of our body – Cell

229)              A map shows natural features of the earth – physical map

330)              A drawing mainly based on memory and spot observation is called – sketch

331)              The vertical lines on a globe are called – longitudes

332)              The horizontal lines on a globe are called – latitudes

333)        Drawings which give details of a place are – Plans

334)              A map shows state capitals and borders, such a map is – Political map

335)              It is the three dimensional model of the earth – Globe

336)              It is two dimensional drawing of the earth – map

337)              A map which shows specific information on a theme – Thematic map

388)              It helps us to locate unknown places on the map – Directions

339)              A book of a map is called – Atlas

440)              East, West, North and South are – Cardinal Directions

441)              Northeast, Northwest, Southeast and Southwest are – Intermediate directions











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