Gr 3rd Sub: EVS Revision for yearly exam ( Answer the following questions and define the term)
for Yearly Exam
the following Questions:
1) State any two ways of soil conservation.
2) Name the types of soil and write their uses.
3) Describe the layers of soil.
4) How is soil formed?
5) What is soil erosion?
6) Name the features that help us to understand a map.
7) What is grid?
8) Why do we use plans?
9) Differentiate between Physical map and Political Map.
10) Differentiate between Internal Organ and External
11) What is the main function of skeletal system?
12) What is the function of excretory system?
13) What is the function of nervous system?
14) What is the function of lungs?
15) Which is the smallest part of human body?
16) Which is the largest organ of human body?
the following:
1) Soil Conservation
2) Soil erosion
3) Digestion
4) Hygiene
5) Cardinal Direction
6) Intermediate Direction
7) Sketch
8) Globe
9) Latitudes
10) Longitudes
11) Organ System
12) Respiratory System
13) Circulatory System
14) Thematic Map
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