Change the given sentences into Simple future tense  with the help of verbs given in the brackets.

  1. My dog _______ tightly. (bite)

  2. We _____ to market. (go)

  3. She _______  milk. (drink)

  4. She ______  cookies. (Bake)

  5. Meena ______  papaya. (not like)

  6. She ______ a song. (sing)

  7. He _____ the victim. (Hang)

  8. I _____ pastries. (make)

  9. They _______  in the competition. (Participate)

  10. Mr. Ram ________ new designs. (Create)


  1. will bite

  2. will go

  3. will drink

  4. will bake

  5. will not like

  6. will sing

  7. will hang

  8. will make

  9. Will participate

  10. will create


 Fill in the blank with suitable adverbs

1) He went to park yesterday. (yesterday/tomorrow)(Adverb of time)

2) Naina sings sweetly. (sweetly/easily)(Adverb of manner)

3) The sky is above our head. (above/below)(Adverb of place)

4) They ran fast to catch the bus. (fast/slow)(Adverb of manner)

5) The train will arrive soon. (soon/never)(Adverb of time)

6) The children were shouting loudly. (neatly/loudly)(Adverb of manner)

7) Ravi gets up early in the morning. (early/slowly)(Adverb of time)

8) Don’t enter the classroom. Wait outside. (inside/outside)(Adverb of place)

9)I visited my grandparents yesterday. (Adverb of time)

10)We started early. (Adverb of time)

11) I think I have seen him before. (Adverb of time)

12) I had no idea what he was doing there. (Adverb of place)

13) I looked outside the window. (Adverb of place)

14)The baby smiled beautifully. (Adverb of manner)

15)The dogs ate their meals happily. (Adverb of manner)

16) The birds flew high in the sky. (Adverb of manner)

17) He looked upwards. (Adverb of place)

18) The students are anxiously waiting for their results. (Adverb of manner)

19) The children danced merrily. (Adverb of manner)

20). She spoke softly. (Adverb of manner)

21) I waited for my turn patiently. (Adverb of manner)


Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.

(On, at, up, from, to, of, near)

1) There is book ______ the table.

2) Ravi is looking ______ the sky.

3) Jack and Jill went _____ the hill.

4) Please take out the vegetables _____ the bag.

5) We go ______ the park ______ Sundays.

6) I am proud _____ you.

7) We go to school _____ bus.

8) Her house is ______ the park.

9) I pray ______ God everyday.

10) Don’t stand _____ the table.

11)The dog ran _____ the cat. (behind, after)

12)Rama lived _____ a small village. (on, in)

13) I have great respect ______ my teacher. (for, to)

14) Birds were chirping ______ the garden. (in, on)

15) Who is knocking ______ the door. (at, to)

16) This lady comes _______ America. (from/for)

17) There is a wall ________ the river. (round, after)

18) There is a bridge _______ the river. (on, over)

19) She carried the umbrella _____ her head. (over, at)

20 )Simmi was sitting _____the window. (near, to)


2. At

3. Up

4. From

5. To, on


7. By

8. Near 

9. To

10. on


12. in

13. for

14. in

15. at

16. from

17. round

18. over

19. over

20. Near


Fill in the blanks with suitable options form the box 

1) Ravi has a brother and(and/but)

2) Gita and me are playing. (and/so)

3) We can not play but it is raining outside. (but/because)

4) It is very cold outside so wear a sweater. (because/so)

5) Do you like tea or coffee? (or/and)

6) We went to the market and brought news dresses. (and/or)

7) We needed new dress so we went to the market. (and/so)

8) Pravina and Raj are best friends. (and/or)

9) I didn’t buy the dress because it was expensive.

10). I passed the test because I worked hard.

11)You can take the blue shirt or the green shirt.

12) She is clever and beautiful.

13) He was poor but he was happy.

14) I worked hard because I wanted to pass the test.

15) I did not want to miss the train so I started early in the morning.

16) He was my friend so I decided to help him.

17) She bought some fruits and vegetables.

18) My sister is tall but I am short.

19)Rita loves to visit the zoo when she was a small child.

20) The teacher left the room  when Rita’s parents reached the school.

Read the following unseen passage and choose the correct answers.

There are a great many million fish in the sea, but this story is about just one of them, and a very small one at that. Now, this little fish had everything in the sea to make him contended, but he was not happy. You will laugh when I tell you why he was not. He was unhappy because he was very small.

I. How many fish was there in the sea?

(A) Thousand fish

(B) Billion fish

(C) Million fish

(D) Lac fish

Answer: Option (C) Million fish

II. Where did the fish live?

(A) In the pond

(B) In the sea

(C) In the river

(D) In the tub

Answer: Option (B) In the sea

III. Who was unhappy?

(A) Fish

(B) Mouse

(C) Cat

(D) Lizard

Answer: Option (A) Fish

IV. This story is about just………

(A) Two of them

(B) One of them

(C) Three of them

(D) Many of them

Answer: Option (B) One of them

V. What did the little fish have in the sea?

(A) Something

(B) Nothing

(C) Everything

(D) Anything

Answer: Option (C) Everything

Read the following unseen passage and choose the correct answers.

Bears are found in Europe, Asia, Africa and America. They are massively built, with short tails

and thick legs. Bears are not really carnivores. They eat almost anything, the chief exception in

the polar bear, which in its natural state lives on fish and seals. However, in captivity, they seem

to enjoy meat, vegetables, fruits, milk, rice and porridge.

Bears are not quite as dangerous as people imagine them it be like most animals; they will do

their best to avoid human beings. They have a special sense that is eyesight to see things.

I. Where are bears found?

A. America

B. Australia

C. Arctica

D. None of the above

Answer: Option (A) America

II. What does a bear eat in captivity?

A. Meat

B. Chapati

C. Seal

D. Trees

Answer: Option (A) Meat

III. What does a bear avoid like most animals?

A. Hunters

B. Human beings

C. Fish

D. None of the above

Answer: Option (B) Human beings

IV. What kind of body do the bears have?

A. Massively built

B. Weak

C. fat

D. None

Answer: Option (A) Massively built

V. What is the strongest sense of a bear?

A. Touch

B. Sight

C. Smell

D. Hearing

Answer: Option (B) Sight

 There are millions of big fish in the ocean, but this story is about just one of them, and a very small fish at that. Now, this little fish had everything in the sea that he could fight, but he was not happy. You’ll laugh when I tell you why it wasn’t. He was sad because he was so young.

Question 1) How many fish was there in the sea?

  • (A) Thousand fish

  • (B) Billion fish

  • (C) Million fish

  • (D) Lac fish

Question 2) Where did the fish live?

  • (A) In the pond

  • (B) In the sea

  • (C) In the river

  • (D) In the tub

Question 3) Who was unha

  • (A) Fish

  • (B) Mouse

  • (C) Cat

  • (D) Lizard

Question 4) This story is about just………

  • (A) Two of them

  • (B) One of them

  • (C) Three of them

  • (D) Many of them

Question 5) What did the little fish have in the sea?

  • (A) Something

  • (B) Nothing

  • (C) Everything

  • (D) Anything

  • Answer 1: Option (C) Million fish

  • Answer 2: Option (B) In the sea

  • Answer 3: Option (A) Fish

  • Answer 4: Option (B) One of them

  • Answer 5: Option (C) Everything

Fill in the blanks: (textbook)


1.  The cat had become old and could not catch ________.(mice)

2.  The _______ could not announce the day because he could not get up early.(rooster)

3.  The rooster flew onto a branch of a tree and saw a faint ______ ahead.(light)

4.  The friends _______ through the window of the house.(peeped)



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