Question 1


Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:


One day Kevin’s mother was trying to find her glasses. Kevin sat down with his mother. “Where do you last remember seeing your glasses?” he asked.

“I had them on while I was watching the news this morning,” she said. “Where were you watching the news?” asked Kevin.

His mother answered that she was in the living room. She remembered sitting on the chair and taking off her glasses when the news ended. She thought she placed her glasses on the table, but they weren’t there.

“Did you put them on again after the morning news?” asked Kevin. “Maybe I did,” his mother replied.

“Let’s go through your day,” said Kevin.

Kevin’s mother told him everything she remembered doing during the day. She watched the news, made breakfast, folded laundry, worked in her home office and then did some gardening. Then she started looking for her glasses.

Kevin retraced her path through the house and yard. He looked under the chair, in the kitchen, in the laundry basket, in her office and around the garden. He didn’t find her glasses. So, he looked in kitchen

again, and this time he opened the cabinets. Kevin discovered the


glasses in the drawer with the cutlery. Kevin’s mother was happy.


Choose the correct option.


What was Kevin’s mother trying to find?


i.    her ring


ii. her glasses


iii. her book


iv. her bangles


Where did Kevin’s mother remember placing her glasses when the

news ended?


i.    on the bed


ii. on the couch


iii. on the table


iv. under the chair


Where was Kevin’s mother watching the news?


i.    in the bedroom


ii. in the drawing room


iii. in the living room


iv. in the storeroom


Where did Kevin find the glasses?


i.    He found the glasses in the drawer with the cutlery.


ii. He found the glasses in the laundry basket.


iii. He found the glasses under the chair.


iv. He found the glasses in her home office.


The word that means the same as ‘retraced’ is                                      .


i.    Forget


ii. Recalled


iii. Ignored


iv. Neglected


The      word      that      means      the      same      as      ‘discovered’      is



i.    Found


ii. Lost


iii. Hidden


iv. Missed


Question 2


Choose the correct option:


The brave hunter faced the lion                                      . (Fill in the blank

with adverbs of manner.)


i.    skilfully


ii. fearlessly


iii. loudly


iv. neatly


I saw the children running upstairs. (Identify the adverb of place.)


i.    saw


ii. children


iii. running



iv. upstairs


I went to visit my grandparents                              . (Fill in the blank with

adverb of time.)


i. yesterday


ii. next week


iii. tomorrow


iv. now


The cat was hiding                                     the curtain. (Fill in the blank

with a suitable preposition.)


i.    behind


ii. between


iii. in


iv. on


I watched a movie                       Thursday. (Fill in the blank with a

correct preposition)


i.    into


ii. at


iii. in


iv. on


Question 3


Choose the correct option:


Zakir Hussain is one of the famous musi                . (Fill in the blank with ‘ti’, ‘si’ or ‘ci’ sound)



i.    cian


ii. sion


iii. tion


iv. ssion


The king lives in a huge                                . (Fill in the blank with the correct spelling of the word)


i.    mancian


ii. mansion


iii. manssion


iv. mantian


Question 4


Fill in the blanks with suitable words:


The cat had become old and could not catch a                                    .


The rooster flew onto a branch of a tree and saw a faint



According to the robber, a                                      was inside the house.


The old brown horse has a                                   coat.


The horse loves the touch of soft                                       hand.


Question 5


Answer the following questions in one sentence:


In the story ‘The Four Musicians of Bremen’, what did the donkey

decide to do after his master turned him out?









In the story ‘The Four Musicians of Bremen’, why did the rooster run away from his master’s house?


In the story ‘The Four Musicians of Bremen’, where did the four animals reach after walking for some time?


In the story ‘The Four Musicians of Bremen’, what did the donkey, the dog, the cat and the rooster do when they entered the house?


In the story ‘The Four Musicians of Bremen’, what did the four animals decide to do finally?


In the poem ‘The Old Brown Horse’, describe the old brown horse.


In the poem ‘The Old Brown Horse’, why does the master ignore his

horse now?

h.               In the poem ‘The Old Brown Horse’, when does the horse feel that life

is not so bad?




i.                  In the poem ‘The Old Brown Horse’, why does the horse like to be




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