Gr 3rd English Ch 16 The Four Musicians of Bremen - NB, WB Work


                                The Four Musicians of Bremen

Q1. Word Galaxy:

 (Write the word meanings on pg 66- Eng TB)


Q2. New Words

1. spotted: to see or notice

2. rooster: male gender of hen

3. faint: not clear

4. loot: to steal things from shops or buildings

5. delicious: having a very pleasant taste or smell

6. feast: a large, special meal

7. forelegs: front two legs of an animal

8. bray: cry of a donkey

9. mew: cry of a cat

10. soundly: completely or deeply

11. screamed: to cry out loudly in a high voice

12. comfort: pleasant and relaxed feeling

13. peace: calm or quiet


Q3. Answer the following questions.

a) What did the donkey decide to do after his master turned him out?

A: The donkey decided to go to Bremen to join the city band.

b) Why did the cat look gloomy?

A: The cat looked gloomy because her mistress turned her out as she was old and could not catch mice.

c). Who did the four animals see in the house in the forest? What were they doing?

A: The four animals saw four robbers in the house in the forest. They were counting their loot.

d) Why did the robbers bolt from the house?

A: When the robbers saw the four animals at the window, they thought it was a four-headed monster.

e) What did the four animals decide to do finally?

A: The four animals decided not to go to Bremen. They lived in the house in peace and comfort for the rest of their lives.



You went into the woods and came across the house where the four friends lived. Describe in four to five sentences what the four friends do all day in their new house.


Make your own sentences with the following words:

1.            Feast

2.           Screamed





Ch. 16          The Four Musicians of Bremen Workbook Answers


1.               Match the cause to the effect.





The donkey was old and couldn’t work. 


He decided to go to Bremen. 


The donkey decided to join the city band. 


The animals slept soundly. 


The cat was too old to catch mice. 


They panicked.


The robbers heard the deafening sound of the four animals. 


His master turned him out. 


They ate all the food on the table. 


Her mistress turned her out.


a)     iv                   b) i                     c) v                    d) iii                   e) ii

2.                                                                Answer the following questions in one sentence.

a)                                                             a) Why did the donkey ask the dog to accompany him to Bremen?

                   The donkey asked the dog to accompany him to Bremen because he could sing in the band.

b)                                                             b) Why did the rooster run away from his master’s house?

                   The rooster ran away from his master’s house because he overheard his master and mistress talking about roasting him that night.

c)                                                            c) Where did the four animals reach after walking for some time?

The four animals reached the woods after walking for some time.

d)     Why did the robbers bolt from the house and escape into the woods?

                The robbers bolted from the house and escaped into the woods when they saw the four animals in the window and thought it was a four-headed monster.






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